Common DUI Defense Questions

DUI Defense FAQ Drivers in Georgia

At Phyllis Law in Marietta, Georgia we help defend Georgians from DUI charges.  Just because you were drinking and then pulled over does not mean you are guilty of a DUI.  Here are some of the most common questions about DUI we answer in our initial phone consultations: 

1. What happens if I’m charged with DUI in Georgia?
If you’re charged with DUI in Georgia, you’ll face serious legal consequences, including fines, potential jail time, and the loss of your driver’s license. Georgia has strict DUI laws with severe penalties even for first-time offenders.

2. How can a DUI affect my driver’s license?
After a DUI arrest, your license could be suspended. You only have 30 days to request an administrative hearing or apply for an ignition interlock device to keep your license. Failing to take action within this time frame can result in an automatic suspension.

3. What should I do within 30 days of a DUI arrest?
You have just 30 days to protect your driver’s license. You need to file an appeal to prevent suspension or apply for an ignition interlock permit. Missing this deadline could lead to an automatic license suspension of up to one year.

4. Can I refuse a breathalyzer or blood test in Georgia?
Yes, you can refuse, but Georgia’s implied consent law means you could face automatic license suspension and other penalties for refusing a test. Additionally, the refusal can be used against you in court.

5. What are the penalties for a first-time DUI in Georgia?
A first-time DUI conviction can result in fines, probation, mandatory DUI education programs, community service, and even jail time. Additionally, your driver’s license could be suspended for up to one year.

6. How does Georgia treat multiple DUI offenses?
Georgia has increasingly harsh penalties for repeat DUI offenses. A second or third conviction within ten years can lead to longer jail sentences, higher fines, mandatory treatment programs, and extended license suspensions.

7. Can I beat a DUI charge in Georgia?
Yes, with the right legal strategy. PhyllisLaw has extensive experience challenging DUI evidence, from questioning the accuracy of breathalyzer results to analyzing whether proper procedures were followed during your arrest. Every case is unique, and our goal is to get your charges reduced or dismissed.

8. How can a DUI defense lawyer help me?
A skilled DUI defense lawyer understands Georgia DUI laws and can provide expert representation to minimize penalties, challenge evidence, and protect your rights. At PhyllisLaw, we’ll work closely with you to build a strong defense and navigate the legal process.

For a free phone consultation regarding your Georgia DUI, please call or email our office.  Our goal is cost-effective representation that gets you back on your normal day to day life as soon as possible.   

DUI Information

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